The mentoring service is an ongoing programme of weekly sessions to support and develop your teaching, planning and understanding of Waldorf Education. This programme is individually tailored to meet your needs as a teacher, working together to we will focus on your particular teaching needs.
We will focus on the age group you are working on and look at the finer details of teaching; can include personalising the curriculum, year planning, literacy, numeracy, form drawing, handwriting, book work, painting, rhythm, setting boundaries for working, assessment, developing your inner teacher, setting up a daily and weekly rhythm for pupils, festival celebration, setting up a rhythm for you as the teacher, working with study material, and child observation.
These sessions are to help you and will therefor be very focused on your needs to achieve the best Waldorf teaching for you.
In your application please state your location so we can find a time that suits you best for our weekly meetings.
Monthly Fee $85
One-Off Session Fee $30
Course will be offered throughout the year offering deeper insight into various areas of the Waldorf curriculum, subjects and teaching practice.
Each of these can be accessed as a stand-alone course.
These courses will be advertised via our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram and will appear her on our website.
This mentoring service is weekly sessions based around a class/grade and will focus on deeping our understanding of child development, curriculum and best practice. This mentoring is not aimed at individuals but focuses on the broad view of the class/grade.
These mentoring groups will focus on all things related to the class/grade you teach and can include, literacy, numeracy, child development, child observation, assessment, festivals, plays, circle time activities, songs, poems, imagery, work standard, habits, artistic and craft work etc. The themes will obviously vary through the year.
Group mentoring groups will require a minimum of 5 regular participants to run.
Times for groups to be published shortly, please keep an eye out on our social media and this web page.
Monthly Fee $45
One-Off Session Fee $30
Study is an indispensable and vital part of a Waldorf Teacher's life and enables us to work consciously and regularly with the insights given to us by Rudolf Steiner. Through study we gain deeper insight into child development, curriculum, personal development and Waldorf pedagogy. Study Group is held weekly
Our first study will focus on the set of lectures
The Roots of Education
Rudolf Steiner
The study session will last an hour and although we will focus on the lectures there will be sessions where I take time to explain some of the basic anthroposophical concepts so that you more easily access and understand the lectures.
Study Group will be held every:
11am PDT / 7pm GMT
One-off Annual Fee $40
In July we will be offering workshops across the classes/grades, delivering a clear overview of where the children are in their development and how the Waldorf Curriculum meets these needs. We will focus on how to build your own curriculum without having to spend hundreds of dollars or pounds on curriculums not suited to your child’s individual needs. Additionally, there will be advice, support and discussion on how to access lesson material for the year. Dates to be released shortly.
Click on links below for details
We are planning on releasing a teacher training course for homeschoolers or anyone wanting to get deeper insight into Waldorf Education.
There will be a certificate upon completion.
We are currently working out the logistics for this, we will keep you informed.